Study Skills Blog


Posted December 1st, 2020

Without good study skills it’s very difficult to get high marks on tests. The average student takes about 300 high-stakes tests during grades 9-12, but unfortunately, most students are not taught how to study effectively for tests. Without high marks on tests it’s impossible to get good grades. Without good grades it’s difficult to get into a good college. Without a college degree, it’s difficult to get a good job. Without a good job it’s difficult to get a good salary. Without a good salary it’s difficult to achieve personal success. It’s like a string of toppling dominos and it all begins with good study skills. It’s the same process in life. Without good study skills it will be very difficult to achieve full academic potential and personal success. Administrators, if you are not teaching students SQ3R-based study and learning skills in your schools, we invite you to visit our website and learn how to improve teaching effectiveness and increase student success.


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Especially beneficial for students in: Grades 7-12 and College

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21st Century Study Skills Attain Higher Levels of Academic and Personal Success