Study Skills Blog


Posted December 29th, 2020

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, achievement gaps occur when a group of students such as, students grouped by nationality, ethnicity, gender, or socio-economics outperforms another group on tests and the difference in average scores is statistically significant. The Washington Post published a story earlier this year stating that millions of students are at risk of severe learning loss during the coronavirus pandemic and education scholar and author Richard Rothstein predicts the Covid-19 pandemic will take existing academic achievement gaps between middle-class and low-income students and “explode” them. Also, in May, Forbes magazine stated that education experts are predicting wider achievement gaps between groups of students as a result of Covid-related school closures and how much learning was lost this year. It’s time Educational Leaders look at proven, time-tested pedagogical solutions like 21st Century Study Skills based on SQ3R to empower students to score higher on tests and achieve their full academic potential and close the gaps. See what students are saying about this ‘life changing’ training and contact us for Professional Development.



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