Study Skills Blog


Posted December 12th, 2020

Secondary schools and colleges are not empowering students to achieve their full academic potential. Students need to be taught how to study effectively from textbooks and consistently get good marks on tests. They need this kind of military-style training to succeed in school and life. Most students are reading textbooks the way they read novels and that is a big mistake. The average student takes about 300 high-stakes tests during grades 9-12 which is very stressful and effects self-esteem. Their performance on those tests determines their course grades, Grade Point Average, which college they attend and how they perform in college as well as demanding careers. With all that depending on test scores it’s critical every school district implement a proven SQ3R-based teaching and learning strategy as a priority and publish it as part of their curriculum on their websites. Unfortunately, that has not happened. Review the Program of Studies for your local school district and see if it lists a course on proven study skills and test preparation mandatory for all students. If it’s not there it should be. Click for testimonials and more about effective teaching and learning skills.



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