Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will this training help my son or daughter?
    These proven study skills will show your child how to read and learn effectively from textbooks. Research shows that the biggest problem students have when reading textbooks is how to distinguish important information from unimportant information. These techniques show students exactly how to do this. Additionally, the interactive note-taking techniques section will show students how to store important information into their long-term memory ready for recall during a test. Simply put, your child will become a better student forever, gain more confidence studying for tests, and experience less test anxiety.

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  • Is the training session complete in just one day?
    Yes. The complete program and benefits can be accomplished in one day with no need for future courses or follow-up training.

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  • Does the program require the purchase of a book?
    No. Your registration fee will cover the cost of all the training materials and each student will leave the session will all the information, notes, and proven study skills they will need to score higher on tests and get better grades in the future.

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  • Are there any additional costs once I register?
    No. Absolutely none.

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  • What materials should my child bring to the session?
    Each student needs to bring writing materials and at least one textbook they will be using this year in: science, history, health, psychology, etc. (Do not bring a novel)

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  • Is advance preparation necessary prior to attendance?
    No. However, the student should be academically motivated, open-minded to new techniques, and able to read English.

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  • How large are the class sizes?
    The average class size will be approximately 20 students.

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  • How is the training session structured?
    The training session is in two parts. First, instructors will present and model the six steps of the How-to-Study Program during the morning. Secondly, during the afternoon, once all questions have been satisfactorily answered, the students will apply these techniques to their own textbook. As they work, instructors will circulate around the room assisting students as they develop skill in using these study techniques with their own textbook(s). Mutual satisfaction is expected before a student leaves the training session.

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  • Does the training session involve any testing?
    No. Other than demonstrating knowledge and ability in applying these study techniques to their own textbooks there is no testing during the session.

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  • Will there be any breaks during the session?
    Yes. There will be a morning break at 10:00 and an afternoon break around 2:30. Nutritious snacks and beverages will be provided during both breaks.

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  • Does the session include lunch?
    No. Students can bring their lunch or go next door to Burger King. There are no major roads to cross and this will be safe. An instructor will supervise the students as they move from the classroom to Burger King. If you would like to pick your child up and take him or her to lunch that’s fine too! We will break between 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch.

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  • What is the name of this How-to-Study Program?
    This How-to-Study Program is an enhancement and variation of a time-tested and proven program called SQ3R which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Recall. However, we have strengthened and modified the original strategy by adding a self-evaluation component, additional critical steps, modeling, interactive note-taking techniques, and onsite application with certified instructors. We call this new and enhanced version SQ4R.

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  • How has this program been time-tested for more than 70 years?
    SQ3R was developed in the early 1941 at Ohio State University by an educational psychologist named Dr. Francis P. Robinson. It was part of the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) implemented at 247 national colleges and universities to help the war effort. The program was designed to help military personnel effectively learn large amounts of new technical and scientific information in a relatively short period of time. The program was very effective and today is recognized by most major colleges and universities,, as well as many reputable educational consulting companies as the most effective way to read and study textbooks.

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  • Do I get a discount if I register more than one student?
    Yes. If you register a second child you will receive a 10% discount on the second child. You will receive a 20% discount for the third and fourth registrants.

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  • Can these study skills be used in all classes?
    Yes. These study skills can be used with any course that uses a textbook divided by chapters, major headings, and subheadings. These skills do not apply to reading novels.

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  • Can I get this kind of dynamic Study Skills training from Kaplan or Sylvan?
    No. If you go to their websites and compare you will see that neither of these companies offer this kind of one-day training session. In fact, 21st Century Study Skills is the only educational services company today that can accomplish all the stated academic and personal goals in one-day of strategic training.

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  • Are local school districts teaching these proven study skills?
    Based on more than twenty years of teaching experience in several public school systems in Massachusetts, I am not aware of any middle or senior high schools in the area currently teaching these study skills as part of their Program of Studies.

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  • Will middle school students be in the same training session with high school students?
    Yes. That will not be a problem because they will not be interacting with each other but instead each student will be interacting with me and the other Instructor. There will not be any group work during the training session.

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  • Who will be teaching the sessions?
    There will be two certified instructors teaching during the day. As Lead Instructor, I have more than 25 years of successful teaching experience with both middle and senior high school students and am certified by the Department of Education in Massachusetts in grades 7-12. I will be assisted by an extremely talented and experienced Reading Specialist/Study Skills expert. Together, we have almost 50 years of strategic teaching and tutoring experience with middle and high school students.

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  • Are these study techniques going to create more work for my child?
    No. These techniques will increase your child's efficiency by showing them how to focus on what's important and gain maximum benefit from the amount of time they invest in studying. They will still have to study but they will pack more learning into less time by using SQ4R study skills.

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  • Will these study techniques help my child with MCAS and SAT exams?
    Yes. By learning how to study effectively and store important information into long-term memory students will perform better on high-stakes tests such as MCAS, SAT, and PSAT.

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  • What can I do to help my child achieve higher test scores and better grades?
    There are several things you can do to help. Plan with your child to allocate a certain block of time during the day for studying and doing homework. Try to eliminate unnecessary distractions (TV, friends, iPODS, text messaging, video games, telephone) during that time. Also, provide a well-lighted quiet place for your child to study stocked with pencils, paper, and highlighters. Lastly, ask your child's teachers to provide a study guide several days prior to a test so your child can focus on the most important material he or she will be tested on. This will eliminate wasted effort and the risk of studying the wrong material.

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