Character Education and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Mr. Goss learned the value of social and emotional training 25 years ago by attending a very enlightening seminar in Boston presented by one of the greatest American motivational speakers and trainers who ever lived, Zig Ziglar. He professed during his presentation that it's your "attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude!"  His demonstration and proof of this principle in front of thousands of admirers that afternoon was so convincing and effective that Mr. Goss has been sharing that message with his students ever since he returned to public education in 2002. It remains one of the most valuable educational lessons he has ever learned and one that he enjoys sharing with students, teachers and administrators. 

Mr. Goss' unique and highly-interactive 2-hour Workshop uses the same exciting and interactive strategies in the classroom that Ziglar used to clearly demonstrate the need for individuals that are striving for success, leadership and personal satisfaction to develop their character in order to achieve their personal goals and gain recognition from others as an inspirational leader. For the past 15 years Mr. Goss has been passing that same life-altering message he learned from Ziglar to his own students in the form of 'Character Education".  To learn more about the importance of Character Education and the benefits it delivers to the classroom and district continue reading about the company called Project Wisdom. 

What is Character Education?

Project Wisdom is the oldest and most respected character education program in the nation. It was founded in 1992 in Houston and is licensed in more than 19,000 schools nationwide. There are three key components to this nationally-recognized, proven-effective program that comprise their approach to character education. Each component supports the other. Their vision is to build:

     CHARACTER by helping students take responsibility for their choices and actions

     CONFIDENCE by motivating students to do their personal best at all times

     COMMUNITY by inspiring students to contribute to the world around them while                      honoring the diversity that makes our country great.

According to Project Wisdom, Character Education is an intentional effort to help students understand, care about, and act upon core ethical values. Students with good character are caring, just, and responsible. They have developed an internal motivation to do their best and to contribute to the world around them. Good character education improves social and emotional competencies as well as academic performance.

Our Character Education (SEL) workshop will teach teachers how to:

  • Explain the historical need for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) training in schools.
  • Model SEL and provide students opportunities to apply and develop these skills in the classroom. 
  • Develop the whole student not just their intellectual and academic aptitude.
  • List the many benefits of SEL training for students, teachers, administrators, and parents.
  • Reduce student depression, anxiety and stress by integrating SEL into their curriculum.
  • Decrease costly disciplinary referrals caused by disrespectful and disruptive behavior.
  • Motivate students to develop integrity, commitment, and other strong leadership characteristics.
  • Teach students the 5 research-based key characteristics to successful SEL. (CASEL)
  • Create a safer learning environment by reducing bullying, harassment, and substance abuse.
  • Help students build their core social and emotional foundation skills to be more successful.
  • Achieve higher levels of academic progress and model behavior in the classroom.
  • Improve student character and inspire them to develop better ethical and moral values.
  • Create a curriculum and classroom that enables students to feel a sense of community.
  • Promote family engagement and other supportive learning environments.
  • Increase the ROI in academic benefits for educational expenditures in the community. 
  • Learn how to maintain and enhance the positive effects of SEL throughout the year and beyond.


Outline for Our Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Workshop

I. Todays Schools and Challenge

            Multicultural and Multilingual

            Diverse Backgrounds

            Overly Connected on Social Media

            High Stakes Testing

II. SEL Research and Benefits

            Rennie Center for Educational Research and Policy

                  The Benefits of SEL Training

             Dr. Martin Luther King, Aug. 28th, 1968, "Content of Character" speech        

             Project Wisdom

                  3 Key Components of Good Character Education

            Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

                  5 Key Skill Areas of SEL

             Zig Ziglar, America's Motivator 


III. Stimulating Classroom Activity

            How to Make SEL Relevant to Your Students?

            How to Identify SEL Skills and Characteristics?

            How to Effectively Teach SEL in the Classroom

            How to Sustain the Positive Momentum of SEL throughout the school                                             year and into the Future.     


 IV. Other Reinforcement Educational Activities

            How to Motivate Students to use SEL Training

Other quotes from Zig Ziglar:

Zig Ziglar

"Since belief determines behavior, doesn't it make sense we should be teaching ethical, moral values in every home and every school in America."

"Building a better you is the first step to building a better America."

"It's character that gets us out of bed in the morning, commitment moves us into action, and discipline enables us to follow through."

"Honesty and integrity are by far the most important assets of an entrepreneur."

"It's true that integrity alone will not make you a leader but without integrity you will never be one."

"What comes out of your mouth is determined by what goes into your mind."


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